There Goes My Life: A Journal on the Familia Yanez

Well after helping design the processors for the new Xbox 360 we were given one as a nice bonus! These are our gamertags for both Rachel and myself. She plays Zuma primarily and I play anything under the sun.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

End of Winter update

Well these last few months have seen a lot of firsts for Logan. He can now crawl, sit up, and feed himself. He has 8 teeth in now too. He is getting bigger every day and soon will be running Mom and Dad all throughout the house. Man that makes me tired :-).

Monday, December 18, 2006

He finally did it!

Well this past weekend, Logan finally managed to get all that mass flipped over! He can now roll-over with the best of them. It won't be long now until he is scurrying all through the house (now the real fun begins!). He has also gotten his third tooth in (this one on the top of his mouth and off to the side). Happy Holidays to you all!

Monday, November 13, 2006

The boy is finally slowing down!

Well Logan had his 6 month checkup this past Friday and he is still a heffer of a baby. However, he only gained around 2 lbs (putting him at 23 lbs 7 oz). He now measures 29+ inches long (which puts him in 95 percentile in all categories). Logan also did a much better job with his vaccine shots which made it easier on Mom and Dad.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Unvieling!!

For his first Halloween Logan was (wait for it)....his Uncle Ben!! Logan's uncle was a good sport and we all had a great time. Trick or Treat!!

Happy Halloween!

Today is Logan's first Halloween and Mom and Dad are very excited for him. His costume is still a secret and will be unvieled to the masses in a few hours. Logan is getting bigger each passing day; he now has 2 teeth coming through and has moved on to stage 2 baby foods. Before you know it the boy will be tackling the dogs throughout the apologies Cabo and Corona!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Logan, Logan: Pumpkin Picker!

This past Saturday Logan made his first ever visit to a pumpkin patch. He helped Mom, Dad, and Uncle Ben pick out some nice pumpkins to carve for Halloween. He still doesn't have a costume but Mom and Dad are working hard on getting him one in the next few weeks.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Daddy takes me to get shot!!

Logan had his 4-month checkup yesterday and yours truely had to take him by himself. Let's just say it isn't pleasant holding your child down while someone causes him pain (4 shots in 2 legs!!). Well here are his stats from his visit:

Weight: 21 lbs 2 oz
Length: 27 1/8 in. long
Head: 18 1/8 in. circumference

That puts him at greater than 97 percentile in all categories. So the boy is getting larger!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

It Lives!!

Well after weeks of reading Flash books, going to Flash sites, and following Flash video lectures I have finally completed my first Flash animation. Its crude and rough around the edges but hopefully it will be a good starting point for better things to come.

Go and check it out...