There Goes My Life: A Journal on the Familia Yanez

Well after helping design the processors for the new Xbox 360 we were given one as a nice bonus! These are our gamertags for both Rachel and myself. She plays Zuma primarily and I play anything under the sun.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Hallelujah!! The nursery is now complete.

Well this weekend we finally got the baby's crib (in the right color too!) and the baby's dresser. Only thing missing is the crib mattress which I am just waiting on a good deal before purchasing it. This weekend we also had the car seats installed at one of the local fire departments. We also traded in the car and are now a 2 car payment family. Isn't debt wonderful?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A May Baby Afterall?

Well Rachel had her weekly exam at the doctors yesterday and it looks like the baby might not be here until May afterall. In order to have nursery done we are hopeful that this week we can finally get the crib and dresser (and in the right colors!). Also, Rachel's last day of work is this Friday (now she can go in nesting mode). Today we are also going to haggle on the price of a new car so that Baby and all the rest of us can travel safe and not breakdown. Rest in peace Henry.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Baby Yanez Update

Well we had our 3rd ultrasound yesterday and baby seems to be in good health (heartbeat at 158 bpm). Based on measurements the kid is a little closer to average (60th percentile) so it looks like we will be as close to schedule as possible (as much of a schedule being pregnant allows anyway). Today we had our first baby class and learned all about the process of labor, etc. We also got a good tour of the birth center and nursery. We have one more class next week and then we just wait for baby to arrive (that and the furniture to arrive too).