There Goes My Life: A Journal on the Familia Yanez

Well after helping design the processors for the new Xbox 360 we were given one as a nice bonus! These are our gamertags for both Rachel and myself. She plays Zuma primarily and I play anything under the sun.

Monday, January 30, 2006

News Update: The mural is finished!

It took us a week to do but we are very happy with the results of our first mural. The over/under of how long it will take the baby to finger paint across it is currently being set. We are now available for hire for future murals however :-).

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Operation Baby Prep is Still Underway

Well this past weekend we finished painting the nursery. Rachel and I have now moved on to the ambitious task of creating a mural for the room. Its a long process but the final result should be what we are trying to achieve. We also bought a camcorder this month to record all those precious moments. So we are definetly nearing the home stretch now: the crib and dresser are ordered so all thats left is some miscellanous items oh and the baby of course :-).

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The next Netflix?

Well I finally put some of my money where my mouth is. I bought 10,000 shares of a penny stock yesterday. Gameznflix (GZFX) is the name of the company. Its the only online site that rents out both DVD's and video games. Chances are I'll lose my investment but hey a guy can dream can't he?

Baby's First Photo Shoot!

Last month Rachel and I went to the doctor's office and we saw our new baby for the first time. We're not telling what it is until the big day so don't ask. From this point forward the baby will be referred to as "the kid" or by the unisex name of "Sam". All we are saying is that everything looks normal and that there is only one little bundle of joy in there (phew!). However, based on the measurements taken from the ultrasound the due date was pushed up almost 2 weeks! So now the big day is May 5th, 2006 (that's right Cinco de Mayo baby).

Welcome to Ten Coats!

Hola! This is our first intial post on our newly claimed slice of property on the 'net. In the weeks and months to follow we will post interesting news, upcoming events, or just random thoughts that pop into our heads. So sit back and enjoy this bird's eye view of what its like to be a Latino family (don't forget to use the strong Latin accent when you say that) in the good ol' South.